Ripple Maker Insights

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Team Building Activities for Leaders in the Post-COVID Era — Part 1
Janic Gorayeb Janic Gorayeb

Team Building Activities for Leaders in the Post-COVID Era — Part 1

With many teams working remotely, communication and bonds between colleagues are now strained. New challenges abound for companies and their employees to solve. It's now more important than ever to reinforce positive employee engagement and morale.

After all, attitude and mindset ultimately determine the outcome of all results.

So what activities can you use to organically grow the connections between your team members and encourage personal development?

Here are 3 team-building activities for leaders to build fun (not forced fun), creative, and engaging team-building activities for leaders.

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Transform Your Core Organizational Values Into A Powerful Organizational Culture
Janic Gorayeb Janic Gorayeb

Transform Your Core Organizational Values Into A Powerful Organizational Culture

Core values: They’re a sign of familiarity, a shield against change, and an easy way to get back on track during times of change and chaos, Core values are great for growing your business from the bottom up, but what about from the top down? How can your organization create a culture where all decisions are made through the lens of your core values?

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How can leadership development programming empower your organization & its people?
Janic Gorayeb Janic Gorayeb

How can leadership development programming empower your organization & its people?

Creating an environment where your employees are continuously challenged (in positive and productive ways) will empower them to experience the joy of learning on a regular basis. This, in turn, will fill up their work bucket, encouraging their further endearment to your brand and business. What’s more is, the more skills they learn, the more effective they will be. So, rather than juggling turnover and needing to hire externally to fill gaps, why not fill them internally with the fruits of effective leadership development training?

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How to effectively build dialogue in the workplace
Janic Gorayeb Janic Gorayeb

How to effectively build dialogue in the workplace

Understanding the difference between talking at people and engaging in a meaningful multi-way dialogue is a key component of personal and professional leadership. True dialogue requires many key components to be considered effective and authentic. I am going to chat about how I define the type of dialogue I see as fundamentally important for organizational relationships. Plus, and likely most importantly, we’re going to move beyond just defining this super special type of interaction and chat about how we can develop it.

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Five ways to inspire creativity within a hybrid workplace
Janic Gorayeb Janic Gorayeb

Five ways to inspire creativity within a hybrid workplace

When we don’t handle it carefully, the hybrid working environment can have us feeling like we are just checking off the boxes – rather than being our most creative and innovative selves. But, that does not have to be how the creative cookie crumbles. Instead, with some extra Tender Loving Coaching, you can encourage your employees to think beyond the work-from-home box and bear the incredible fruit of freed-up imagination.

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Combine the very best of bricks and mortar business with the wonderful world of working from home
Janic Gorayeb Janic Gorayeb

Combine the very best of bricks and mortar business with the wonderful world of working from home

Two years of working from home and suddenly, bosses are trying to call their employees back to the office like we are the hairless versions of Homeward Bound. Naturally, after 30 months of the increased freedom and flexibility offered by working in our flannels, the masses are like, “That’ll be a ‘no’ from me.” This is resulting in the #GreatResignation and a lot of disgruntlement that’s bad for work culture and business.

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Core values are meant to be lived, not written down and forgotten.
Janic Gorayeb Janic Gorayeb

Core values are meant to be lived, not written down and forgotten.

Nearly every organization totes core values, but how often do they actually live them in their day-to-day operations and the way they treat people? While it’s easy to put values up on a boardroom wall, putting them into action can be more challenging – especially when leadership perceives serving these values may not be in the best interest of their bottom line. But core values are essential to so many aspects of a business. From employee and customer satisfaction through to brand loyalty and sales, so let’s take a look at why organizations compromise their values and how we can hold ourselves accountable to upkeeping and championing our own.

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The importance of being mindful about email etiquette
Janic Gorayeb Janic Gorayeb

The importance of being mindful about email etiquette

Now that the majority of us live and work in the digital world, why are we so quick to throw away the dictates of etiquette we would be mortified to forgo in person? Being mindful of how you write and manage your emails is as important as washing your hands. Like the latter, the former demonstrates you care about the people around you. You have respect for their time, and recognize their well-being is as valuable as yours. In the spirit of reprioritizing politeness in e-communications, I am following up my previous Own your Inbox blog with a very chill – not at all condescending – blog about email etiquette.

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Are you owning your inbox or is your inbox owning you?
Janic Gorayeb Janic Gorayeb

Are you owning your inbox or is your inbox owning you?

Marie Kondo popularized organizing your life, ridding your world of things that don’t spark joy. From tossing keepsakes through to clearing closets, the queen of clean has popularized the mind/organization connection. I am here to claim that same torch and help light the way through your inbox. Together and with the power of “select all” we can conquer the chaos of your emails and reduce that glaring number of unread messages to zilch.

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How Do You Define & Design Your Personal Leadership?
Janic Gorayeb Janic Gorayeb

How Do You Define & Design Your Personal Leadership?

You can fake an accent, an aptitude for PowerPoint and even the appearance of having it all together. Be it fashion sense or figured outness, you can get away – in both personal and professional settings – with putting on a front that says, I got this. However, one thing you cannot make believe (and thereby making others believe in) are personal leadership values and traits you do not invest in.

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