Balancing Act: The Art of Leadership and Self-Care

You know how we were taught that hard work equals great rewards, implying a happier life? I’d like to scratch that. 

Being a leader in any capacity, as a solopreneur, small business owner (SBO), or entrepreneur, can be just as taxing on our minds and bodies as any job.

The old equation: Hard work + Extra hours = Goals reached and profits gained

The new equation: Focused work + Self-care = Fulfilment, goals and more profits  

You see, hard work is not nearly as important as focused work.

With focused work, you can cut down on extra hours, using that time for self-care instead.

Why is self-care important for a leader?

Simply put, the art of leadership and self-care is the act of balancing your time and energy to increase productivity — yep, you gain immediate benefits to your business — decrease stress, cultivate emotional ease, and improve mental health, the importance of which can never be overstated.

You’ll see more reasons why self-care is critical to leadership as we uncover ways to balance the two. Let’s get into it.

Build Your Personalized Self-Care Toolkit

To clarify, self-care is not just making sure you do your at-home facial three times a week.

Sometimes, a few extra clicks are all it takes to start your self-care routine while you work.

I love having a self-care toolkit to boost my energy levels before, after, and even while I get shit done.

You can develop your personalized self-care toolkit with:

  • Aromatherapy oils

  • Calming music playlists

  • Inspiring books

  • Motivational quotes or your favourite mantra

Keep these resources near your workspace to stay grounded and refreshed throughout the day.

Two of my favourite music playlists are:

  • Apple Essentials "Afro-Soul Mix" or a LoFi Beats playlist for calm and focused work sessions.

  • "Calmed By Nature" YouTube Channel for background relaxation while resting or to calm me when working from home.

During breaks or when I’m done with work, I listen to my favourite podcasts, like "Las Culturistas," for laughter and inspiration.

Carve Out a Tech-Free Hour

I’m sure you’ve heard of a digital detox: Taking a long break from the digital world to enjoy benefits like improved relationships, sleep, and focus.

There’s no need to go all out though, as mini digital breaks result in similar outcomes.

Try dedicating one hour daily to disconnect from electronic devices and focus on self-care.

Activities can include nature walks, yoga, relaxing baths, or creative pursuits like colouring, painting or doodling.

Personally, I’ve set up an art supplies station for creative expression without technological distractions.

Join Collaborative Co-working Spaces

Once I got intentional about who I worked with, I endured less stress.

Self-care is just as much about who and how we interact with others as we do with ourselves, especially in the realm of business leadership. After all, business can’t be done alone.

To build healthy relationships, consider joining or facilitating in-person or online gatherings where like-minded individuals can work together in the same space.

I love to organize regular meet-ups for entrepreneurs seeking a supportive and collaborative work environment.

You can also build a support network through social media groups and online forums, attend industry events, or network on LinkedIn. There are several opportunities for skill-sharing and peer support to enhance your productivity and well-being.

These interactions foster a sense of community and camaraderie among participants and help to encourage mutual growth.

Take Physical Movement Breaks

Your body loves when you move it!

Taking regular breaks throughout the day to stretch or move relieves tension and improves blood circulation, contributing to your physical well-being and longevity.

Recently, science proved that chemicals known as myokines, or ‘hope molecules,’  are released with movement. These directly impact your mood, working as antidepressants to reduce anxiety and instantly make you feel good!

Since movement boosts energy levels, I’d suggest adding short walks, desk yoga stretches, and dance breaks to your favourite music into your daily routine.

I love having my one-person dance parties when I just want some movement or to release tension.

You may want to keep your yoga mat out at all times as a reminder to stretch a couple of times a day — this is what I do, and it provides a small boost of energy after working at my computer for a few hours.

Celebrate Your Successes

Hyping yourself up is one thing; doing so with business successes is truly a winning combo.

It perfectly wraps up the seemingly elusive balancing act in the art of self-leadership and self-care.

When we take time to acknowledge and celebrate achievements, both big and small, we elevate our mindset, enhance our confidence, and expand our capacity to come up with ways to continue to succeed.

Celebrating your successes will further boost motivation, morale, and overall satisfaction, reinforcing a sense of progress and accomplishment in the entrepreneurial journey.

As for failure, there’s a lot that can be learned, too.

Janic 💜

Join Ripple Effect Leadership’s email list for more leadership inspo!

Reach A Balanced Leadership Lifestyle

To truly enjoy the rewards of your hard work, both healthy leadership and regular self-care are essential.

In the Kick-Ass Leadership Course and Community, I show you how to properly balance the two so you feel the impact of harmoniously fitting leadership and self-care together.

With Kick-Ass Leadership, you will:

  • Access Live, monthly VIP sessions with me and guests, and all previous sessions

  • Gain Lifetime access to seven (7) dynamic and easy-to-follow intensive modules

  • Join our Kick-Ass Leadership Facebook community

  • Email me for guidance and to help you along the course

  • Receive the comprehensive 36-page Kick-Ass Leadership Workbook

  • Receive tons of practical resources to go through the course

  • Receive My Own Your Inbox Training, valued at US $99 + 4 Other Bonuses!

Want to feel more confident about yourself as a leader? Join the Kick-Ass Leadership Course and Community.

“I Want a Smaller Commitment With A Major Impact”

Need a personalized plan and an accountability partner?

I now offer consulting packages where we craft an Empowering Leadership Action Plan focusing on goal-oriented strategies for your biz.

The full package includes:

●      One 60-minute one-on-one consulting session.

●      Your Leadership Action Plan

●      One 30-minute follow-up call.

Email me directly at for more details or to set up a consultation!

Janic Gorayeb

Founder and Creative Curator, Ripple Effect Leadership

Leading with Creativity: Prince’s Influence on Innovative Thinking


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