Podcasts & Lives!
Want to collaborate on a podcast or Instagram Live? Let's connect!
We talked behind the scenes of retreats. A big thanks to Jaime Bell and Lauren Smith for sharing their expertise on retreat accommodations & Legalities - specifically to the provinces of Ontario & British Columbia.
Shoutout to Angela S. Doyon for hosting me on Instagram Live! We discussed being a boss in your biz, regardless of its size. Just because you may be a small business owner, it doesn’t mean you need to play small. Leadership is about mindset, vision, and how you inspire others, no matter the scale of your business.
How can people discover and think more deeply about their values? I recommended three things: self-reflection, examining past choices, and identifying role models. Both Anna McAfee and I are involved with World Values Day, and this was part of our 2023 World Values Day Campaign. Learn more about World Values Day here.
Had an awesome chat with the lovely Mariette Martinez! We discussed helping solopreneurs and entrepreneurs shift their mindset to embrace and lead their businesses effectively.
Successful leaders don’t need titles or teams! Thanks to Isabel Talens for hosting me as we discussed building impactful teams as a solopreneur. We share practical leadership advice for online entrepreneurs and actionable tips!
Jaimie-Lee Prince and I have been collaborating on Ripple Effect Leadership content. Join us as we shoot the shit about leadership, entrepreneurship, and creativity! I also share how I used Ripple Effect Leadership's core values to align myself with the right freelance writer.
The Mindful Mentor Podcast host Bree Gordon and I had the opportunity to chat around my philosophy that leadership manifests in may ways and the role of creativity in the workplace. I had a blast with Bree and it was great to connect as two Canadians as well!
It was fun to get caught up with podcast host Alex Leonard of The Creative Kind Podcast where we talked all things PechaKucha and how we dove into our own values, beliefs, and leadership tactics. The interview is a great way for anyone to learn about how they can start acting as a leader in their professional life.