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Email Etiquette: How Inbox Conversations Have Changed Since the Pandemic
Since the beginning of pandemic, there are a lot of professional practices that have changed.
For instance, remote work is the newfound joy of many, and strict office wear is a thing of the past both outside and in the office.
As for virtual advancements, the changes are more obvious. How many Zoom calls have YOU been on in the last few days?
And what about email etiquette in the workplace?

Five Inbox Management Tricks You Can Implement TODAY For a Cleaner Inbox
If you've ever cleared out your inbox, you know what inbox management relief feels like.
It's like the clouds part and the angelic email gods sing their praises to you, ‘Oh Master of Organization and Management Extraordinaire.’ It's like you can FINALLY breathe fully.
And it means you can breathe more life into your business and projects without the weight of tons of emails on your chest.

The importance of being mindful about email etiquette
Now that the majority of us live and work in the digital world, why are we so quick to throw away the dictates of etiquette we would be mortified to forgo in person? Being mindful of how you write and manage your emails is as important as washing your hands. Like the latter, the former demonstrates you care about the people around you. You have respect for their time, and recognize their well-being is as valuable as yours. In the spirit of reprioritizing politeness in e-communications, I am following up my previous Own your Inbox blog with a very chill – not at all condescending – blog about email etiquette.