How to Stay Motivated in the Final Stretch of the Year

Do you remember those wind-up toys we used to have? When we turned the spring with our finger muscles — talk about a workout! — that action built up major anticipation of the expected results:

The music. 🎵

The movement. 💃💃

The lights and colours. 🌈✨🌈

Whatever the outcome, the winding-up part was arduous, yet unmatched in anticipation.

The final push of the year typically feels similar… it’s a busy season and can be strenuous.

Sometimes, a New Year’s Eve party is our big fun reward.

Other times, it’s a winding down. And we go quietly into the night of December’s last days if we’re lucky, reappearing just as quietly in January… like a lullaby toy. 

Here’s my twist on it: 

I’ve always seen this time of year as both a wrap-up and a launchpad. 

Year after year, I naturally shift into goal-setting mode, reviewing what went well and what I want to accomplish next.

But I recognize this rhythm doesn’t come as naturally to everyone, especially solopreneurs managing every aspect of their business.

During my years in non-profit work, reflecting on accomplishments became second nature. For others, review and reflection can feel like a strain.

Like those old wind-up toys, the fun lights, sounds, and colours that await you are worth it when you complete your goals and can reflect on your accomplishments.

Take a moment to reflect on where you are right now. While you may wonder why some challenges had to happen, aren’t you proud of yourself for how far you’ve come? 

Now… let’s take that mindset to a new level. 

We can stay motivated by breaking down our 2024 year-end goals into manageable steps and, just as importantly, planning with a clear path in sight. 

Read on for how it works and a free motivational resource at the end. 

Break Down Big Goals Into Smaller, Manageable Tasks

By leaning into smaller, purposeful actions, we keep our momentum and end the year feeling clear and energized for what’s next.

Breaking down goals is practical because it makes the finish line feel a lot more closer and easily achievable. 

That feeling translates into a smoother ride and less end-of-year turbulence, reinforcing our daily motivation and triggering a positive feeling toward the new year.

This first step cements a get-it-done attitude. We’re laying out how to reach our endpoint with actionable steps through a tactical mindset. So go ahead and list out some tasks.

Focus On Progress, Not Perfection:

Breaking down big goals is powerful because our end goal feels within reach. 

But now that we have our task list, let’s not get trapped by our perfectionist tendencies. 

The line between which mistakes are acceptable and which aren’t can be blurry — quite like when I remove my glasses and can’t see a damn thing! 

Ultimately, doing things exactly right all the time is not just realistically impossible because we’re human, but it’s also not in our best interest. Perfectionism can even be a way of self-sabotage.

Focus on progress, not perfection.

At each step of the way, stay motivated through appreciation of your progress. Celebrate how far you’ve come rather than fixating on what’s left to do.

What does that look like?

We can list out and acknowledge what we’re proud of from this year as a simple way to start. I use my Notes App for this because it’s so easy to record and to pull up.

When I scroll back through, I always get a boost as I’m reminded that I’ve come a long way this year with my goals.

A second step is to reward yourself for completing tasks. Even the smallest reward can help.

Create a Clear, Short-Term Action Plan

I love action plans. They help us navigate and achieve short-term goals and reinforce our organizational skills for the future. 

In this final stretch, focus on the next 30 days and prioritize the most important tasks. 

You might already have clarity here, or you may want to adjust your goals and focus on what’s most important. That’s okay! 

Learning to adapt is a key element of self-leadership. Too much rigidity can seriously cramp your style, making you feel demotivated, and stagnating business growth. 

I like to focus on three top priorities for my 30-day action plan. This purpose-driven strategy keeps my momentum high and delivers continuous clarity, especially if I get swamped. 

1️⃣ Revisit Your “Why”

When it comes to staying motivated, often, nothing beats reliving the feeling of why you’re doing what you are doing.

This self-leadership strategy is particularly useful for us solopreneurs and small business owners who have gotten into business for atypical or personal reasons.

Remind yourself why you started your business or project in the first place to reignite motivation.

Revisiting your why can come in handy during those times when you’re struggling and need encouragement. 

Show up for yourself with the power of your “Why.”

2️⃣ Surround Yourself With Positivity

As you probably know by now, mindset is everything. The perspective we choose in each moment flows into the next. That’s why people are encouraged to leave their work at work. And why so many emphasize starting the day on a high note. 

Using your “why” to break a downward spiral may do the trick during tough times. 

Another useful practice is to surround ourselves with positivity. It’s hard to stay stuck in self-doubt when there’s someone in your corner always cheering you.

Do you know who you can lean on? List down your support contacts.

Lean on your support network — whether it’s your community, team, or fellow entrepreneurs. It could make all the difference as you close out the year.

3️⃣ Take Breaks to Avoid Burnout

Short breaks refresh your mind, making it easier to maintain momentum, motivation, and focus. 

Here’s where perfectionism might rear its ugly head once again, as many of us grew up believing that taking breaks is for lazy people. 

Quite the opposite, my friend!

Frequent breaks help you avoid burnout and revitalize your system. Breaks are actually a confidence booster if not overshadowed by the negative stereotype.

Taking breaks help us to work smarter, not harder, since we are more productive when we’re balanced and energized.

Have you ever had a laptop that hummed loudly or froze when it was overloaded? Yep. That’s you needing to let your system cool down a bit. Brainwork takes energy you know! 

So don’t forget to recharge with frequent breaks, and refuel with some self-care. 

Grab My Stay Motivated: End-of-Year Worksheet

The end of the year doesn’t have to be anticipated with dread and “not this again…” 

With the right practices and mindset, we truly can stay motivated and plan for the upcoming year with ease.

So now that you’ve seen the technique overview, it’s time to take action…

And I’ve done all the leg work for you!

Now, I’m sharing my Stay Motivated: End-of-Year Worksheet which includes each of the strategies above along with practical exercises. 

All you have to do is click Make a Copy and you’ll have it in your Google Drive. You can keep it in digital form or print it out — whichever is more your style. 

Want the full scope of self-leadership to see where it could take you and your business in 2025?

Learn about the Kick-Ass Leadership Program for ongoing motivation and accountability.

Janic Gorayeb

Founder and Creative Curator, Ripple Effect Leadership

Reflecting Back on 2024: A Celebration of Progress and a Look at Lessons Learned


From the Bottom to the Top: A Self-Leadership Guide to Drive You Into 2025 Strong