Entrepreneurial Creativity: Boosting Team Productivity Online

Mini post-it-notes with words on each. There's a yellow one that says productivity.

Creativity has two amazing qualities:

  1. It's impossible for the results to be wrong.

  2. The things it brings about always inspire more accomplishments.

As the leader of a small business team, you might often feel pressure to prove your success with numbers and traditional measures.

But times are changing.

Success isn't just about numbers – it never really was.

So, how does creativity make things more productive? Let's take a closer look.

Why Hinder Happiness?

According to Adobe's 2016 State of Create study, businesses are 78% more likely to witness increased productivity in their employees when they invest in creativity. Almost equally, 76% of these employees reported feeling happier.

It's common sense that happier team members contribute more. Yet, for a long time, the prevailing notion has been to work hard regardless of how we feel.

But times have changed.

Now that we're more informed, we can do better.

Learning from this, you have the opportunity to cultivate a balanced environment and enhance your team's happiness through creative activities. This approach also enables your team to tap into their innovative ideas.

With this sense of engagement and involvement, your team will be more motivated and naturally perform at a higher level since they're encouraged to believe in their potential.

When you and your team engage in creativity, whether it's for a specific goal or just for the joy of it, don't you feel a bit more carefree and confident? (Keep in mind: there are no wrong outcomes, only inspired results.)

Exploring your own ideas brings about this positive change.

What Is the Ideal Creativity Path?

Many organizations try to infuse a creative approach into their culture by requesting creative ideas only when problems need a solution.

There’s no doubt creative thinking can be employed in such situations.

However, I’m more of an advocate for an all-encompassing creative approach whenever and wherever humans exist. 

As a small business owner, take intentional creative breaks, host group activities, and recommend creative tasks for your team to enjoy on their own.

This path of creative leadership carries rewards like more engaged team members, reduced work stress, and improved communication among your team.

Strong professional relationships, fostered by communication and connection, are also getting more recognition because they’re fundamental to our attitude at work.

Motivated team members are a major plus for your business.

Strong team dynamics?

Now that’s a slam dunk!

Systemize Your Creativity Plan

So, we’ve established that both feelings and the people carrying them are significant.

We’re not just machines. We have creative potential that, when activated, can make us love what we do and in turn, make us more productive.

Paradoxically, automation and creativity can still work together. Because when it comes to business, efficiency is the name of the game.

To capitalize on the humongous potential of a creativity plan, why not systemize it?

In a previous blog, I zoned in on creative productivity hacks you can easily add to your toolkit to benefit from the power of creativity – like using the project management tool Asana.

I also have two detailed blogs on creative team-building activities here.

If you truly want to have a blast as a growing business and combine creativity with personal leadership and team-building, ask me about my Kick-Ass Leadership Program for online entrepreneurs, or sign up!

Janic Gorayeb

Founder and Creative Curator, Ripple Effect Leadership


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